Ishikawa CPA, Representative
Joined Watervein
as a founding partner in 2002 and took the
representative responsibility in Sept 2017.
Joined Sanwa Capital (Now UFJ Capital) in
January 2001. As a capitalist, undertook many
finding of profitable investments, due
diligence, architecture of business program,
capital policy, hands-on.
Joined CSK
Venture Capital in October 1997. Backed up
various companies of bio/IT industries in
investing and IPO. Offered advise to startup
firms as well as conducting
Audited many companies (both
domestic and foreign, of various industries)
while working for Deloitte, Haskins & Sels
and ChuoAoyama Audit Corporation. First reader
for numerous would-be public enterprises. Also
experience in the due diligence for corporations
in need of reorganization and bankrupt
Graduated Waseda University
School of Social Science, CPA.
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